Synonyms : Pure
Other name : Maiden's Beastmaster
Native : Thirunelveli, Thoothukudi districts.
- Medium-sized dogs.
- Tucked-up abdomens.
- Straight head, strong jaws, golden eyes and black noses.
- The ears are medium-size, flat, erect, dropping or semi dropping.
- The tail is semi curved.
- Lifespan of 14 to 16 years.
Colour types :
- Fawn (Santhana Pillai),
- Light red (Sevalai)
- Dark red (Karum Sevalai),
- Cream, white (Mayila Pillai),
- Red with white, or pale grey (Sambal)
- Black with fawn markings (Paal Kanni),
- Black with dark tan markings (Seng Kanni),
- Black with fawn face and legs (Karung Kanni),
- Fawn head and legs with rest of body being black (Parukki),
- Brown and white
Paal kanni
- Agile,
- Protective,
- Graceful.